oils & petroleum Diesel EN590  Naphtha Light Jet Fuel A1 

World Petrosol specializes in the distribution of petroleum products and oils with its own storage facilities at various locations and has extensive links with domestic and global petroleum refineries. Petroleum products are substances made from petroleum (crude oil) after it has been refined. Petroleum products are complex combinations unlike petrochemicals, which are a group of well-defined and typically pure chemical components.

Most oil is transformed into petroleum products, such as different types of fuel. The main use of base oils is in the manufacture of lubricants, of which there are thousands of types and applications.

We serve clients from all over the world by supplying them with material according to their needs.

Diesel EN590 10PPM
EN590 will be available on spot and contract orders based. EN590 10 PPM diesel fuel is commonly used in modern diesel engines, including those in passenger cars, trucks, buses, and heavy equipment. It is typically available at fuel stations that offer diesel fuel, and is used in many countries throughout Europe and around the world.
Property Test method Test Unit Guarantee Limit
Density at 15 0C kg/m3 820-845
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EN 12916 wt% B Max
Flash Point EN 2719 0 C >55
Cold Filter Plugging Point CFPP EN 116 0 C
Winter Grade -15 Max
Summer Grade 5 Max
Distillation EN ISO 3405
Recovered at 250C Vol% 65 Max
Recovered at 350C Vol% 85 Min
95% (Vol/Vol) Recovered at 0 C 360 Max
Sulphur EN ISO 20846 EN ISO 20884 mg/kg 10 Max
Carbon Residue (on 10% residue) EN ISO 10370 wt% 0.30 Max
Viscosity at 40C EN ISO 3104 Cst 2.0 – 4.5
Copper Strip Corrosion (3h a5 50C) Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) EN ISO 2160 Rating No.1 Max
Content EN 14078 Vol% 7.0 Max
Cetane Number EN ISO 5161 EN 15195 51 Min
Cetane Index EN ISO 4264 Calculated 46 Min
Water EN ISO 12937 mg/kg 200 Max
Particulate Matter EN 12662 mg/kg 24 Max
Oxidation Stability EN ISO 12205 EN 15751 g/m3 h 25 20 Max Min
Lubricity (wsd1,4) at 60C EN ISO 12156/1 Um 450 Max
Light Naphtha
Light Naphtha will be available on spot and contract orders based and Small MOQ also available. Naphtha light is a complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20°C to 180°C (-4°F to 356°F).
Method Test Min Max Result Units
ASTM D4052 Specific Gravity 0.650 0.740 0.7180
ASTM D156 Saybolt Color 20 +28
ASTM D323 Reid Vapor Pressure 13 5.95 psi
UOP 952 Lead Content 150 < 10 ppbw
ASTM D4294 Total Sulfur 0.0650 0.238* %wt
ASTM D6730 Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis
Paraffin Content 70 70.092 %vol
n-Paraffins 30 30.500 %vol
Olefin Content 1 0.110 %vol
ASTM D86 Distillation
IBP 25 37.0 °C
FBP 204 181.2 °C
UOP 779 Total Chloride 1 311 ppmw
UOP 938 Mercury 1 < 1 ppmw
UOP 946 Total Arsenic 20 < 5 ppmw
ASTM D7423 Oxygenates by FID GC
Total Oxygenates 50 38.0 ppmw
Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) < 10 ppmw
Ethyl tert-butyl Ether (ETBE) < 10 ppmw
Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) < 10 ppmw
Methanol < 10 ppmw
Ethanol 33.0 ppmw
ASTM D3227 Mercaptan Sulfur 30 ppmw
ASTM D2699 RON 58
Jet Fuel A1

Jet Fuel A1 will be available on spot and contract order based. Jet A-1 is a kerosine grade of fuel suitable for most turbine engined aircraft.


Parameters Jet A-1
Acidity, mg KOH/g0.10 Max. (0.015 Max for Def. Stan 91-091)
Aromatics, Vol. % 25.0 Max.
Sulphur, mercaptan, Wt. % 0.0030 Max.
Sulphur, total, Wt. % 0.30 Max..
10% Distillation, ºC 205.0 Max.
Final Boiling Point, ºC300.0 Max.
Distillation Residue, % 1.5 Max.
Distillation Loss, % 1.5 Max.
Flash Point, ºC 38.0 Min.
Density @ 15ºC, kg/m3775.0 to 840.0
Freeze Point, ºC -47.0 Max
Viscosity @ -20ºC, mm/s 8.000 Max.
Net Heat of Combustion, MJ/kg 42.80 Min.
One of the following shall be met:
1) Smoke Point, mm, or25.0 Min.
2) Smoke Point, mm, and 18.0 Min.
Naphthalenes, Vol. % 3.00 Max.
Copper Strip Corrosion, 2 h % 100ºC No.1 Max.
Thermal Stability @ 260ºC:
1) Filter pressure drop, mm Hg25 Max.
2) Tube Deposits< 3 Max. No Peacock (P) or Abnormal (A)
Existent Gum, mg/100 mL.7 Max.
MSEP Rating: 
1) Without electrical conductivity additive85
2) With electrical conductivity additive70
Electrical conductivity, pS/m
*Use of conductivity improver additive and resulting limits are optional in ASTM D1655
50 Min. 600 Max.*
Base Oils

World Petrosol specializes in the distribution of base oil with its own storage and warehousing facilities at several places and has extensive links with the domestic and global oil refineries of base oil. The main use for base oils is in the manufacture of lubricants, of which there are many thousands of types.

As there are numerous oil refineries so every refinery produce base oil with their own specifications and we serve the clients worldwide by suppling the material according to their needs.


Group IGroup IIGroup III
SN 150N 1503 CST
SN 500N 500 / N 6004 CST
BS 150BS 1206 CST
Aromatic Rubber Process Oil (RPO)
Aromatic Rubber Processing oil (ARPO) is the most commonly used rubber oil in rubber industry and lubricant industry. Among the primary characteristics of ARPO is hydrocarbon, in the presence of double bounded mix ring carbon structure.
Characteristic Range Test¬ method ASTM
Kinematic viscosity @ 100 °C, cSt 20.0-40.0 D-445
Flash point , °C 265 D-92
Pour point , °C 15 D-97
Specific gravity @ 15 , Kg/m3 1010 D-1298
Aniline point, °C 50 IP-2
Sulphur content, Wt% 5 D-2622
Ash content , Wt% 0.15 D-482
Carbon type analysis , % CA CN 30 4 65 D-3238
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