
We serve clients from all over the world by supplying them with materials according to their needs.

We work on the following products:

Methoxy Propanol (MP & PM)
MP (2-Methoxy 1-Propanol)


Specification Spec. Result
AppearanceColorless liquid
(total MP isomers)
Min. 99.599.7
Color, APHAMax 153
Water, ppmMax 1000700
Acidity, ppmMax 10026
Sp.Gr, g/cm3
0.935 ~ 0.945
Min 130.0
DP, DegCMax 193170.2


PM (1-Methoxy 2-Propanol)


Specification Spec. Result
AppearanceColorless liquid
Specific gravity0.921 – 0.9250.924
Purity %Min. 99.599.80
Color, APHAMax 105
Water, ppmMax 500140


Ethanolamine (MEA, DEA & TEA)

Ethanolamines are used for various industrial and functional uses. The usefulness of ethanolamines is the reason for the combination of the properties of amines and alcohols; They exhibit the unique capacity to suffer reactions common to both groups. As amines, they are slightly alkaline and react with acids to form salts or soaps. Ethanolamines are used as chemical intermediates for agricultural products. It is used in many cement and concrete production applications to improve strength, reduce drying time and protect against the effects of freezing and thawing, providing a reserve of alkalinity to the wash bath, essential for efficient cleaning, pH control of the agent, etc.

Monoethanolamine (MEA)


PropertiesValue Test Method
Purity99.0 WT% (Min)ASTM D-2073/2074
SP.GR (20/20°C)1.017-1.019ASTM D-891
Water0.2 WT% (Max)ASTM D-1354
IBP166°C (Min)
Color Pt.co10 (Max)ASTM D-1209
Equivalent MOL. Weight61-62.5Ma – 238


Diethanolamine (DEA)


PropertiesValueUnitTest Method
Purity 98.5 minwt%MA-503(GC)
SP.GR (30/20°C)1.0-1.094ASTM D-891
Water0.15 Maxwt%ASTM D-1364
MEA0.6 Maxwt%MA-503(GC)
TEA0.8 Maxwt%MA-503(GC)
Color Pt.co15 MaxASTM D-1209
Equivalent MOL. Weight104-106MA-503


Triethanolamine (TEA)


PropertiesValueTest Method
AppearanceTransparent Liquid
Purity99.0 WT% (Min)ASTM D-2073/2074
SP.GR (20/20°C)1.122-1.127ASTM D-891
Water0.2 WT% (Max)ASTM D-1364
Color Pt.co40max.ASTM D-1209


Ethanol 96% and 99%
Ethanol 99%


DescriptionUnitENA Anhydrous
Alcohol Strength by volume at 20*CVol.%>99.8%
Dry MatterGR/HL1.0 Max
Acidity as Acetic AcidGR/HL1.5 Max
Esters as Ethyl AcetateGR/HL1.3 Max
Aldehydes as AcetaldehydesGR/HL<0.5
MethanolGR/HL2.0 Max
Higher Alcohols (N-Propanol, Iso Butanol, N-Butanol, Iso
Amyl Alcohol, N-Amyl Alcohol) Lowest detection Limits 5ppm
PTT @ 20*CMinute20-25
AspectClear Liquid Free from suspended matter
Water by Karl FischerWt %< 2500 PPM


Ethanol 96%
ParametersUNITSpecifications Min/Max
Alcohol Strength by Volume at 20° CVol.%Min 96.2
Acidity (as Acetic Acid)GR/HLMax. 1.0
Esters (as Ethyl Acetate)GR/HLMax. 0.5
Aldehydes (as
GR/HLMax. 0.5
MethanolGR/HLMax. 0.5
Dry MatterGR/HLMax. 1.0
BenzeneGR/HLAbsent, Nil
Higher Alcohols (Not included IPA)<s/trong>GR/HLMax 0.5
AspectGR/HLClear Liquid free from suspended matter
Permanganate Time test at
20° C
GR/HLMin. 30
CurveUV SpectrophotometerSmooth
Absorbency 270 MMUV SpectrophotometerMax 0.05
240 MMMax 0.05
230 MMMax 0.10
220 MMMax 0.20


1 Parameter Description GOST 2768-84 for Technical Accctone with Amendments 1,2 Result of Analysis
1 Appearance Colorless & Transparent liquid Complies
2 Mass fraction of acctone, %, min 99.75 99.84
3 Density at 20oC, g/cm3 0.789 – 0.791 0.790
4 Mass fraction of water, %, max 0.2 0.14
5 Mass fraction of methanol, %, max 0.05 0.02
6 Mass fraction of acids in terms of acetic acid, %, max 0.001 0.001
7 Permanganate Time at 25 deg C, min, hours 4 4
8 Benzene conten, ppm 0.35
Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)


PurityGas Chro.wt%Min 99.899.99
ColorASTM D1209APHAMax 53
WaterASTM D1364wt%Max 0.050.005
Sp.GrASTM D129820/20 oC0.785 ~ 0.7870.786
AcidityASTM D1613wt ppmMax 103
Kmno4 TestASTM D1363MINMIN 3040
Residue After EvaporationASTM D1353wt ppmMax 155


ISO-Butanol & N-Butanol


Pt/Co-Colour7 Max
Density at 20oC0.801 g/sm3
Mass fraction of main substance99.3% Min.
Acidity, calculated as Acetic Acid0.003%, Max.
Bromine value, g of Br in 100 g of ISO-Butanol0.02 Max
Acid value 0.03%, Max.
Mass fraction of non-volatile reminder0.0025 %, Max
Mass fraction of water0.1 %, Max




Pt/Co-Colour10 Max
Density at 20oC0.809 g/sm3
Mass fraction of main substance99.4% Min.
Acidity, calculated as Acetic Acid0.003%, Max.
Bromine value, g of Br in 100 g of ISO-Butanol0.02 Max
Acid value 0.06%, Max.
Mass fraction of non-volatile reminder0.0025 %, Max
Mass fraction of water0.1 %, Max


Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM)


Specification of Vinyl Acetate monomer
Puritywt%99.9 Min.
Waterppm400 Max.
Acetaldehydeppm100 Max.
Ethyl Acetateppm150 Max.
Acidityppm50 Max.
Methyl Acetateppm50 Max.
ColorAPHA5 Max.
AppearanceClear & Free
Specific Gravity20/20 oC0.932 ~ 0.936
Distillation RangeoC71.0 ~ 73.5
Hydroquinoneppm*1 0.5 ~ 2*2 4 ~ 7*3 7 ~ 9*4 14 ~ 16


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