rubber  industry

We have supply chain experience of rubber raw materials of 2 decades. We have strong sources with competitive prices and quality products to fulfill our customer needs.

We serve clients from all over the world by supplying them with materials according to their needs.

We work on the following products:

Synthetic Rubber
Synthetic Rubber SBR1502
Parameter SBR1502 Test method
Mooney viscosity ML 1+4 (100 °C) (with preparation) 51±6 ASTM D 1646
Organic acids content, % 5,0-7,2 ASTM D 5774
Organic acids soap content, %, max.   0,25 ASTM D 5774
Bound methylstyrene content, % 22,5±1,5 Method of supplier
Volatile matter content, %, max 0,8 ASTM D 5668
Ash content, %, max 0,6 ASTM D 5667
Staining-antioxidant content (CAS №119-47-1), % 0,7-2,0 Method of supplier
ASTM D 3185 (method А), 145 ºC × 25, 35, 50 мин
Tensile strength at 300 % stretching, MPa, min 9,8 ASTM D3185
Tensile strength at stretching, MPa, min 22,0 ASTM D3185
Relative elongation at break, %, min 400-650 ASTM D3185
Curing characteristic of rubber compound
Rheometer MDR 2000, measurement conditions: 160 °C, deformation of 0.5°, MH at 30 min.
Minimum torque (ML), dNm Information data determined optionally for data set ASTM D 5289
Maximum torque (MH), dNm ASTM D 5289
Prevulcanization start time (ts1), min ASTM D 5289
Time to 50% vulcanization (T’50), min ASTM D 5289
Time to 90% vulcanization (T’90), min ASTM D 5289
Synthetic Rubber SBR1712
Parameter SBR1712 HI-AR Test method
Grade A Grade B
Mooney viscosity ML 1+4 (100 °C) (with preparation) 49±3 50±4 ASTM D 1646
Organic acids content, % 5,0±0,8 4,8±0,8 ASTM D 5774
Organic acids soap content, %, max. 0,30 0,30 ASTM D 5774
Bound styrene content, % 23,5±1,0 23,5±2,5
Solvent extract content, % 29-35 29-35
Тип масла / Oil type DAE DAE
Oil content, % 27,5±1,5 27,5±2,5 ASTM D 5774
Volatile matter content, %, max 0,6 0,6 ASTM D 5668
Ash content, %, max 0,6 0,6 ASTM D 5667
Antioxidant content (CAS №119-47-1), % 0,3-0,7 0,3-0,7
ASTM D 3185 (method А), 145 ºC × 25, 35, 50мин
Tensile strength at 300 % stretching, MPa, min 9,8 9,8 ASTM D3185
Tensile strength at stretching, MPa, min 18,0 18,0 ASTM D3185
Relative elongation at break, %, min 380 380 ASTM D3185
Curing characteristic of rubber compound
Rheometer MDR 2000, measurement conditions: 160 °C, deformation of 0.5°, MH at 30 min.
Minimum torque (ML), dNm 1,4-3,0 1,4-3,0 ASTM D 5289
Maximum torque (MH), dNm 12,0-18,5 12,0-18,5 ASTM D 5289
Prevulcanization start time (ts1), min 3,2-6,5 3,2-6,5 ASTM D 5289
Time to 50% vulcanization (T’50), min 6,5-10,5 6,5-10,5 ASTM D 5289
Time to 90% vulcanization (T’90), min 12,0-18,5 12,0-18,5 ASTM D 5289
Synthetic Rubber Polybutadiene PBR
*Raw Material
Typical Properties Test Method Unit Value
Cis Content ZEON R-130A Wt Min 97
Raw Mooney Viscosity ASTM D-1646 ML-4 41-49
Volatile Matter ASTM D-1416 % Wt Max 0.5
Ash Content ASTM D1416% % Wt Max 0.3
Compound Mooney Viscosity ASTM D-1646 ML-4 Max 77
Tensile (35 min) ASTM D-412 Kgf/cm2 Min 150
Elongation (35 min) ASTM D-412 % Min440
300% Modulus at 145 oC
25 Min. 68-108
35 Min. ASTM D-412 Kgf/cm2 74-114
50 Min. 74-114
Rheometer at 160 oC
MH Ibf in 32.0-40.0
ML ASTM D-3189 Ibf in 5.2-11.2
TS-1 Min 2.1-6.1
T50 Min 6.0-10.4
T90 Min 8.3-13.1
Compound Recipe
Raw BR-1220 Part 100
HAF Carbon (IRB No. 6) 60
Zinc Oxide 3
Stearic Acid 2
Accelerator (TBBS) ASTM D-3189 0.9
Sulfur 1.5
Oil 15
Vulcanization Temperature oC 145
Natural Rubber


Natural rubber is a versatile and important raw material that is derived from the latex sap of the rubber tree, scientifically known as Hevea brasiliensis. This tree is native to the Amazon rainforest but is also cultivated in various tropical regions around the world, particularly in Southeast Asia.

Natural rubber continues to be a crucial material in various industries, and its properties make it irreplaceable in many applications despite the availability of synthetic alternatives. Sustainable and responsible sourcing practices are increasingly important in the rubber industry to address environmental and social concerns.

Skim Block Rubber

Carbon Black
Hard Grades
  1. Gives high wear-resistance, high resistance to rupture, tear resistance to rubber, high dynamic hardness and elastic rebound to rubber, high durability, and low hysteresis.
  2. Widely used for producing: high quality, protecting rubbers and protecting stocks, transporter and conveyor belts, breaker rubber, technical seals, cable covers. It is also used for producing high quality rubber molded articles working in hard conditions.
Product’s Specification Hard Grades
ASTM N-Type(Rubber Grades) N-220 N-234 N-326 N-330 N-339 N-375
Iodine Number (mg/g) D-1510 116-126 115-125 77-87 77-87 85-95 85-95
DBP Absorption (mL/100g) D-2414 109-119 120-130 67-77 97-107 115-125 109-119
Tint Strength (ITRB %) D-3265 111-121 119-129 106-116 99-109 106-116 109-119
Toluene Discoloration (%) D-1618 Min. 80
Ash Content (%) D-1506 Max. 1
Heating Loss (%) D-1509 Max. 2
PH D-1512 7-9
Sulphur (%) D-1619 Max. 1
Fines Content (Bag) (%) D-1508 Max. 10
Fines Content (Big Bag) (%) D-1508 Max. 7
Pour Density(g/l) D-1513 320-370 320-350 430-480 360-410 330-380 330-380
pellet Hardness (CN) D-3313 10-40
Sieve residue D-1514 Sieve No. 35(max.)ppm 10
Sieve No.325(max.)ppm 1000
Soft Grades

  • Gives high elasticity to rubber, middle hardness.
  • Has high ability for filing, high profiling properties.
  • Widely used for producing: tires, tubes, sleeves, profiling articles, technical seals, molded articles, roof coverings, framed and breaker rubbers, cables, footwear.


Product’s SpecificationSoft Grades
ASTM N-Type(Rubber Grades)N-550N-660N-772
Iodine Number (mg/g)D-151038-4831-4124-36
DBP Absorption (mL/100g)D-2414116-12685-9567-77
Tint Strength (ITRB %)D-326558-6853-67
Toluene Discoloration (%)D-1618Min. 80
Ash Content (%)D-1506Max. 1
Heating Loss (%)D-1509Max. 2
Sulphur (%)D-1619Max. 1
Fines Content (Bag) (%)D-1508Max. 10
Fines Content (Big Bag) (%)D-1508Max. 7
Pour Density(g/l)D-1513340-400410-490520
pellet Hardness (CN)D-331310-40
Sieve residue
Sieve No. 35(max.)ppm10
Sieve No.325(max.)ppm1000


Aromatic Rubber Process Oil (RPO)

Aromatic Rubber Processing oil (ARPO) is the most commonly used rubber oil in rubber industry and lubricant industry. Among the primary characteristics of ARPO is hydrocarbon, in the presence of double bounded mix ring carbon structure.


CharacteristicRangeTest¬ method ASTM
Kinematic viscosity @ 100 °C, cSt20.0-40.0D-445
Flash point , °C265D-92
Pour point , °C15D-97
Specific gravity @ 15 , Kg/m31010D-1298
Aniline point, °C50IP-2
Sulphur content, Wt%5D-2622
Ash content , Wt%0.15D-482
Carbon type analysis , %
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